Privacy Policy

What personal information do we gather?

Information You Give Us: We never ask for personal information unless it is specifically needed to fulfill a request that you are making. When you request to be placed on our mailing list, we ask for your name and email address so we can send you our newsletter and contact you in case any issues arise.

Information Retrieved From Your Browser: Our website uses “cookies” to facilitate several of the interactive features of the site. These cookies to not collect any personally-identifiable information.

What personal information do we share?

We do not share, sell, lease, or give any of your personal information to any individuals or organizations!

How secure is my personal information?

Our website uses SSL encryption to protect the transmission of your personal information when you place join our mailing list. All information transferred to our website database is protected against unauthorized use using various protections.

Mailing list

You will be placed on our email mailing list by submitting your information and then verifying your email address by clicking the link in the verification email we send you. It is not our intent to send mailings to those who do not want to receive them, and will promptly remove anyone who requests to be removed. Each newsletter that we send contains a link for easily unsubscribing from further emails.